Posted in Education

The Nurse and the Seven Patients

If you’ve spent any time in the hospital, ER, or similar facility, chances are you’ve encountered all different types of patients awaiting care. Having spent so much time in and out of hospitals, I often found myself quietly observing fellow patients and listening to the conversations between staff members while I waited for my own care to take place. It didn’t take me long to realize that there were essentially seven types of patients that reminded me of the seven dwarves. Just like the dwarves, each have their own unique personality and each were cared for in slightly different ways.

Our first patient is one that is always found sleeping. No matter how much sleep they get, it never seems to be enough. Whether it is in the waiting room chair or the hospital bed, these individuals are always quiet and too lethargic to do much of anything else. Staff is often overheard calling out the patients names over and over again until finally the patient wakes. The staff doesn’t seem to mind caring for these individuals as their requests are minimal. These I refer to as our Sleepy patients.  

Next, we have the patient that is constantly coming down with something, no matter what type of care they receive. When one problem is fixed, they are back in to have another addressed. Many times, the doctors can’t find anything wrong. They are also not afraid to share their long list of problems, the longer the better, and they compete with others in a contest of “Who is sicker”. Some may know these as the hypochondriac . These individuals I refer to as Sneezy.

Next, we have the patients more miserable than the rest. Seems like these patients are the least favorite of all and are avoided or passed along to another member of staff or minimal time is spent addressing their needs. They get annoyed with everything and everybody. Their complaints can be heard beds away, they insist that everything the staff is doing is wrong, they are incredibly impatient and the ones you don’t want to be around. Many times, they think they are the only patients with problems. Regardless of how fast the staff moves, it is never fast enough. They can be rude, loud, and somewhat obnoxious. Can you guess who I refer to these patients as? Grumpy of course!  

Next, we have, the clumsy patient who is young-at-heart. Sweet natured, they mean well, they simply can’t be left alone as they like to take care of business themselves. The “I can do it!” mentality when it’s something shouldn’t do.  A bit absentminded but they mean well. These I refer to as the Dopey patients.

The cheerful patient who greets everyone with a smile and takes everything in stride. They refuse to let things get them down and they follow the orders given by their doctors and nurses. They have no problem asking questions, asking for clarification or requesting more medical help when it is needed. They’re not rude or disrespectful and they are pleasant to their fellow hospital mates. They make the best out of a bad situation. The staff enjoys interacting with them and they feel appreciated by these patients and are reminded of why they got into the medical field in the first place. These are our Happy patients!

Our next patients are those who shy away from asking nurses or doctors anything at all as they feel that their problems are unwarranted and staff have other more important things to do. Staff has no problems caring for these patients as their requests are typically few, however they do insist the patient ask when they need something as it is no inconvenience at all. It’s their job to take care of them. These are the Bashful patients.  

Last, we have the patient most knowledgeable in the medical field or at least seemingly so. They spend a tremendous amount of time hunting down information on the internet as they head down the rabbit hole through their research while under the impression that they know more than all of the doctors and nurses combined. Unlike grumpy, they don’t have a temper nor do they feel like their concerns are constantly never met. They are simply the know-it-alls. I refer to these patients as the Doc’s.

The nurses, they are our Snow Whites. Like Snow White, they are providing care to us all, acting as mothers and tending to our needs.

Regardless of what type of patient you are, the fact is that you’ll likely face some of these other patients along the way. Which dwarf are you?

“I’m sure I’ll get along somehow. Everything’s going to be alright.” Snow White